Sunday, October 5, 2008


Hello All!!!

I hope this finds everyone well and with a smile in there heart!!

First off - Jude my dear, dear Jude. My prayers are with you and your family!!!! I know your Sister will be fine, I just know it!! Know that you have a support system the size of Texas!! :)

I've been a busy little beaver lately!!! I have enrolled myself in a tax preparation class (I find myself thinking "WHAT WAS I THINKING") so I work until 5:45 on Mondays and Thursdays and head right to class and get out around 730-830. And then on Wednesdays I am on a bowling league so I work until 6pm and leave to go to the bowling alley and usually get home close to 10pm. (I would normally get out of work at 5pm) So by time the weekend rolls around I am ready for some serious down time!!! Explains why I haven't posted much lately.

Work - well work is work. Don't get me wrong I do love my job. It's one of my co-workers that makes it difficult. She is just that type that kiss the boss' you know what and switches every situation around to look like it's never her fault. Honestly, I could NEVER EVER treat a customer the way she does and make it look like it was there fault. It just simply amazes me what she gets away with and she's only been there about four months. They let a nice, team player go for this kind of customer rep. SAD!! REALLY SAD!!! If I have to hear one more time her cell phone ring and her argue with her husband or the bank or the day care center I am going to beserk!!!!!!!!!!

The Girls are wonderful as ever. What else can I say, I have been blessed with two amazing children whom I would give my last breath for!! :)

Sperm donor - after years and years and years of getting barely nothing for child support. The Child Support Agency contacted ME, to take him back to court. I get a measly 16.76 a week and now I'm looking to get 65.00 OR MORE!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO for me, to bad so sad for him!!!

Other than that nothing much going on here.

Much Love,