Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, Monday

Hello there!!

I was hoping not to put any depressing news on here as that took up way to much space on my last blog (and one of the reasons I chose to get rid of it). But I have sad news:

My sister found out that she might have cancer.

She went in to the doctors to figure out why her periods are so bad and then found out that her uterus is 3+ the size it's suppose to be, then they told her it's possible that she could have cancer. Then she went back for more tests and the 1st tests weren't correct and found out the chances of cancer were slimmer. THEN she had an MRI and it was so cloudy that they couldn't read it, as most of her ovaries have cists on them!! *sighs* She has another doctors appointment in Syracuse this wednesday (i've been trying to talk her in to letting me go with her, just to have somebody to talk to on the way up and way back, but she has Potter blood and is stubborn) and we're hoping she has better news.

All in all I am worried sick.

Please say a prayer for her, she's a good egg and certainly doesn't deserve to go through this hell. (AS NOBODY DOES)


Much love to all!!


Anonymous said...


I'm thinking of nothing but positive thoughts... and sending you positive energy for you and for your sister.

Most definitely she is included in my prayers.

If you need an ear or a shoulder I'm around in the evenings. We're here for ya!! Never forget that!

Jude said...

Aww Terri this is a scarey time. I'm keeping your sister in my prayers for sure! Keep us posted please?

One of my sisters is going through the same thing right now, with a lump on her breast. She just had surgery Monday and we're all waiting for the results.

Hang in there honey, you know where I am okay? ((((((((HUGS))))))))

Terri said...

thank you ladies!!

I went to the oncology appt with her this past wed and he doesn't think there is cancer. He said he wouldn't know until her surgery, but it's hope and we are embracing it.

Danni said...

So sorry to hear this news! She is in my thoughts, as are you.

Amy said...

Hi Terri,
Thank you for stopping by my page.
It is nice to meet you.
I was reading your blogs and this one stood out to me.
May I ask if your sister has been seen for 'fibroid tumors' ? They cause very bad periods and enlarge your uterus. They feed off your blood supply and estrogen. I know, I've been through it myself. I'm just hoping they aren't missing this.
Anyway, I wish her well, you are in my thoughts.
I wish you a good night and keep in touch.
Take care, x Amy